Arhan Chhabra
Deputy Secretary General of Special Committees

Hey, delegates!
​My name is Arhan Chhabra, and I am currently an 11th grader at the International School of Panama. I am from India, but I was born in Singapore. I have also had the chance to live in Denmark and India for a couple of years before returning to Singapore. And eventually, I came to Panama in 9th grade. I started taking part in debate in Singapore by joining small conferences before I took a bigger step when I chose to join the debate club here in ISP. As for debate experience, I have taken part in CEP MOAS, PANAMUN (as both a delegate and chair), AmeriMUNC, DMUNC, and YOUMUN. Outside of debate, my hobbies include StuCo (Student Council), cycling, and table tennis! I am more than excited to hear all of your ideas and solutions to solve the crises we throw at you this year. There are some awesome ones coming your way.
Alongside HCC and UNSC, this year we welcome both the Contemporary Crisis Committee (CCC) and the International Press Corps (IPC) - making this year’s special committees the biggest and most interesting in PANAMUN history. Special Committees truly provide delegates with a rich and unforgettable experience, and it is a privilege to be the DSG for my favorite committees. I hope all of you have a great experience, and I can’t wait to see you all in October!