Hello everyone, welcome to PANAMUN XXVIII! My name is Juliette de la Torre and I am currently a senior at the International School of Panama, and have been at ISP for two and a half years. I participated in PANAMUM last year as a delegate, and I am honored to be a chair for the United Nations International’s Children’s Emergency Fund. I hope you all are just as excited as I am for this year’s PANAMUN conference. Despite only living in Panama for a short amount of time, I have indulged in debating opportunities in various countries that I have lived in, and have both hosted and attended conferences in different countries. Aside from debating, some of my hobbies apart from debating include playing soccer, hanging out with my friends, and reading. I am looking forward to sharing this amazing opportunity with you all and learn and grow as a committee and as individuals, expanding our outlooks on global issues and understanding the complexity in finding resolutions for them. I hope I can contribute to making this incredible, unique, and most of all fun experience for everyone and can’t wait to meet you all this October!

Hey fellow delegates, PANMUN XXVII is finally here. My name is Sebastian Martinez, and I am currently a senior at the International School of Panama. Although I was born in Guatemala City, Guatemala, I consider myself to be Colombian since all of my family is from there and I also have Colombian nationality. I am honored to be part of PANAMUN XXVII and even though this year’s conference is going to be different from all previous conferences, I am 100% that this years conference is going to be one to remember. It is a pleasure to be a chair of the UNICEF committee, where we are going to be discussing two very important issues regarding kids. I figured out that I had a passion for debate and fighting for what I think is right in 9th grade during PANAMUN XXV: Closing Gaps. Since that PANAMUN, I have always been involve in PANAMUN as a delegate, where I have been in both Spanish and English conferences and have a lot of experience in how a debate is run. I am a person that always tries to make the world a better place for everyone and help people that are in need. Apart from the debate, my biggest passion is racing professionally cars and karting. I have been involved in the world of karting and cars since I was 4 years old. Delegates, I am looking forward to meeting you all and having you on the UNICEF committee. Thank you for participating in this years’ conference.