Maria Clara
Welcome to PANAMUN XXVIII! I am María Clara Quihillalt, and I will be one of this year’s chairs for the United Nations Women committee. I am originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina but have been living in Panama for the past six years. I am currently a Senior at the International School of Panama and have been participating in PANAMUN since the 9th grade as a delegate and admin. Two years ago, I have participated as the delegate of the United States of America in the UNW committee and it was an amazing experience. I have always had a passion for debating and global issues related to Women’s Rights, and I think PANAMUN is an ideal conference to combine these two passions. PANAMUN is a place for delegates to experience a real-life United Nations debate about specific issues while representing a country’s position. Debate is an outstanding opportunity for delegates to learn about international politics as well as real, current worldwide issues. I love seeing delegates who are passionate about specific topics speak and participate to their full capacity. This year I will have the honor to be a Chair of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, also known as UN Women. This will be my first year chairing and sadly my last, but I know that it will be the best. I’m am eager for what is to come and can’t wait to see you all there! Prepare yourselves, and good luck!

Hi, delegates! My name is Jezabel Lopez and I am currently a junior at the International School of Panama. I was born in Madrid, Spain and I moved to Panama in third grade when I was 7 years old. In my free time I enjoy working out, running, and mostly dancing at the dance studio. I also enjoy hanging out with my friends and playing guitar. I have been taking part in MUN conferences since I was in 8 grade making this the fourth conference I participate in. This year, for the first time, I have the privilege and honor of being one of the chairs of the United Women committee in the conference of PANAMUN XXVIII. I am looking forward to hearing all of your solutions to the issues and for a passionate debate. Not only that but I wish to make many friends as well as having a fun and breathtaking conference. I hope you are all as excited and eager as I am about this conference. See you all soon!