Welcome delegates! My name is Tomás Cajiao, and I will be your designated chair for the UNICEF committee. I am currently a senior at the International School of Panama and have been here for 9 years. Before Panama, I have lived in Mexico, Chile, and the United States. Living in so many countries was what sparked my interest for MUN. Seeing a variety of different cultures and global issues at such a young age put things in perspective for me. My first experience with MUN was my freshman year of high school, at this same conference as a delegate, yet this year will be my first time chairing a committee. As your chair, my main focus will be to make this conference a positive and motivational experience, in hopes of sparking an interest in debate for new coming delegates. Looking forward to seeing all of you in October!

Greetings delegates! My name is Leticia Loyola and I'm a junior at the American School of Rio de Janeiro (EARJ). This year, I will have the honor of serving as a visiting chair in PANAMUN's UNICEF II Committee. Ever since starting MUN in 6th grade, I've fallen in love with international relations, which has allowed me to meet people from all over the world. Outside of MUN, I love playing soccer and learning foreign languages. If you have any questions or need guidance, feel free to contact me at: (lloyola@earj.com.br). See you soon!