Paola Moscarella
Deputy Secretary General of High School

Hello! Welcome to PANAMUN XVIII “The Power of a Story: Raising Voices-Inspiring Change.” My name is Paola Moscarella and I am going to be your Deputy Secretary-General for High School this year’s PANAMUN.
I am originally from Panama and have lived here my whole life. Right now I am a senior in the International School of Panama. I have been part of MUN since I was in 9th grade and have gone to both national and international conferences, like HACIA. I did my first PANAMUN as a delegate in 2018 and was a chair in the 2019 conference. MUN has taught me so much about the world and the different issues that people face every single day. Through MUN I have been able to learn so much and meet wonderful people and hear their perspectives on a variety of topics. MUN teaches us to be better individuals and be more informed and connected about global issues. It helps a person understand and improve their abilities as communicators and leaders, as well as show the importance of speaking up. Apart from MUN, I am very interested in sports such as triathlon and aerial dance, science, and volunteer work.
This year I am very excited to be a part of the Secretariat for the first time and I don’t doubt that the other members of the Secretariat will do a great job in running an amazing conference. I am really looking forward to working with chairs and delegates this year so the debate experience itself can be the best PANAMUN has ever seen, even if it is online.
Do not hesitate to contact me if or any other of the Secretariat members if you have any questions! Hope to see you soon!