Ana Sofia Tarazona
Deputy Secretary General of Admins
Hello, my name is Ana Sofia Tarazona and I am overjoyed to be the Deputy Secretary-General of Admins in PANAMUN XXVIII! I am currently a senior in the International School of Panama. I have studied in this school for almost 6 years now. I am from Colombia and was born in a little city called Bucaramanga. My whole entire family is from that same City. I have 2 older siblings, both alumni of ISP, and live with my parents, sister, and dog PIngo!
I began my experience with PANAMUN upon entering 9th grade when I was a delegate for the Consejo de Derechos Humanos as The Netherlands. I remember being very intimidated and scared but as soon as I participated and spoke, everything went smoothly. I continued this journey into eleventh grade when I got inspired by my sister and friends to be an admin! Needless to say, I fell in love with the job! I was an Admin for MS ECOSOC, and the experience was amazing. Everyone was participating and asking me questions, and I had amazing chairs who helped me and supported me.
From that moment I was inspired by Clara Corfitsen, the previous DSG of Admins to apply for this position and I got in!!!
While this situation is not one that we could have predicted, this pandemic has allowed for many reflections and self-growth. As we have reflected and grown this Conference has as well. While we will have it remotely, it will still be amazing!
I am looking forward to meeting all of you even if it is on a screen in a little box! I am super excited to get to know everyone and to see the inspiration and participation in each room!
This year's conference, The power of a story: Raising Voices - Inspiring change, will be the best one yet!