Lucas Falla
Secretary General

Greetings! My name is Lucas Falla, and I am truly honored to serve as the Secretary General of PANAMUN XXVIII: The Power of A Story | Raising Voices - Inspiring Change. I was born in Caracas, Venezuela to a Panamanian mother and a Colombian-American father, but I consider myself Panamanian as I have been living here my entire life. I am currently a senior at the International School of Panama, and this is my tenth year as a student in this institution.
I have been involved in Model United Nations since 9th grade, when I joined ISP’s debate club and had a highly successful first conference in PANAMUN XXV: Closing Gaps. I have previously served in PANAMUN as a delegate and as the President of the United Nations Security Council. I have also attended many international and domestic conferences such as The Hague’s International Model United Nations (THIMUN) and Harvard’s Association for Cultivating Inter-American Democracy (HACIA Democracy). I am very passionate about the collaborative and diplomatic elements of MUN, and I believe that PANAMUN exemplifies these characteristics to the fullest extent. Aside from debate, my biggest passion is music and guitar; which I wish to pursue professionally after my higher education.
It is my fervent belief that this conference and Model United Nations as a whole have the ability to foster innovators and instill diplomatic ideals within its participants; even within the online environment. Though this year’s conference will certainly run with an unconventional dynamic, I believe that every delegate, chair, and staff member has the ability to excel and obtain the best PANAMUN experience despite the changes. I encourage everyone to take these unique circumstances as a way to collaborate with fellow global citizens and cultivate comprehensive solutions regarding the world’s most pressing issues.
As Secretary General, I have proudly taken on the mission to make this online conference the best it can be. Can’t wait to see you in October!