Hi delegates! My name is Carla Saliot, and I am currently a junior at the International School of Panama. I am very honored to be one of the chairs for the Disarmament and International Security Committee in PANAMUN XXVIII. I have been at the International School of Panama since Pre-k. I was born in Panama, and I have lived here my entire existence. However, if you ask me where I'm from, I will say France, specifically les Pyrénées or Tarbes. My whole family is from France, my native language is french, and my culture is French. Even though I might be considered a Panamanian I would not consider myself one. I participated in my first MUN conference when I was a freshman and I really liked it. Other than debate, I love playing volleyball, football, archery, martial arts, skating, katana, and all types of sports. Additionally, I enjoy drawing, painting, playing the piano and shopping. I love spending time with my friends but I also love staying locked up in my room alone and binge-watching shows. This will be my third MUN conference and I am extremely excited to meet all of you and be a chair for this amazing committee. I will do my best to make sure that we will all have a fun, entertaining, and respectful debate. Looking forward to meeting and seeing all of you in the debate! Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need anything and see you soon!

Hi, fellow delegates, my name is Santiago Rojas and I am currently a senior at the International School of Panama. I moved here about four years ago from Santiago, Chile. In 9th grade, I was allowed to participate in PANAMUN for the first time and since then, I've been able to improve my debate skills through many MUN conferences I've assisted. Besides my love of debate, I also deeply enjoy composing music, running, and reading. I am happy and honoured that this year I’ve been given the chance to be the Chair for the Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC). I hope you are as excited as I am for experiencing PANAMUN XXIX. I am assured we are going to have an excellent experience that will exceed everyone’s expectations, as we are all going to work as hard as possible to make the debate exciting and fun. I look forward to meeting you and hope everybody improves their debate skills, have fun, and learn.