Hello delegates and welcome to PANAMUN. My name is Jorge Saa and I am currently a senior at the International School of Panama. It is an honor to be chairing the Disarmament and International Security Committee at this year’s conference. I was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic and moved to Panama when I was around 6 months old. However, almost all members of my family are Colombian. I first participated in PANAMUN in 7th grade, and it was definitely a life-changing experience. Since then, I have been fascinated by MUN and the debates that make it so unique. I also enjoy playing tennis and developing engineering-related projects. This is my 5th MUN conference, and I look forward to meeting you all. I believe we will be able to make it the best conference for all of us and, under the conditions imposed by the pandemic, hope that we will be able to have a fun conference. Good luck!

Hi delegates, welcome to PANAMUN XXIX! My name is Renee Purcait, and I'm currently a sophomore at the International School of Panama. My experience in MUN started when I was in 9th grade. In 10th grade, I decided to join the debate team and it has truly been an amazing experience. Apart from debating, some of my other passions include photography, tennis, surfing, hiking, and reading. I consider myself a very adventurous person because I love participating in activities where I get the chance to connect with the outside world and nature. I am truly honored to be one of the chairs for the Disarmament and International Security Council (DISEC). One of the things that I love the most about debating is that you get the opportunity to stand up for what you believe in and that it helps you to acquire certain high critical thinking skills that are very useful in your daily living. As a chair I want you all to have the most amazing and unforgettable MUN experience. I look forward to meeting you all in October!