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Hi, delegates! My name is Mia Cespedes, I am currently a senior at the International School of Panama, and I am honored to be one of the chairs for the Human Rights Council this year. I was born in Panama City and have lived here my whole life. I participated in my first MUN conference in 9th grade in my previous school. Debate has helped me to express my voice and become a more confident person. I have participated in the last two PANAMUNs, one as a delegate and last year as an admin. This will be my first year as a chair and I am very happy to share this experience with you. Besides debate, I love singing, dancing, acting, and having fun with my friends. This will be my 6th MUN conference and I am very excited to meet all of you and be a chair for my favorite committee. I will do my best effort to ensure an engaging debate and create a great environment for a collaborative and fruitful discussion. I am looking forward to meeting all of you and having fun debating together!



Hello delegates!  My name is Isabel Arias and I am a sophomore at the International School of Panama.  Originally, I was born in Mexico City, Mexico.  After living there for nine years, I moved to Monterrey, Mexico.  Then, four years later, I moved to Panama, where I have been living for the past three years.  I first started learning about Model United Nations in Middle School, but my first real experience was in 9th grade.  At first, I was very nervous, but I ended up thoroughly enjoying the experience.  But, most importantly, it got me interested in becoming a chair.  I am now very proud to be one of the Middle School Human Rights Council chairs in PANAMUN XXIX.  I am very excited to be a chair so that I can facilitate the exchange of ideas and have fun within my committee.  In total, I have done 6 MUN conferences, but I hope to make this one the best one yet.  I am very excited to help you guys foster ideas and create solutions!

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