Hi delegates! My name is Beatriz Bogado, and I am currently a Sophomore at the International School of Panama. It is a great pleasure to be a chair for the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund during this year’s conference. I was born in São Paulo, Brazil, and lived there for 13 years, until I moved to Panama at the beginning of 8th grade. My interest in debate started in 6th grade when I began having a class regarding current global issues. Learning about what some people go through on a daily basis inspired me to stand for what I believe in and put myself in others’ place. In 9th grade, I had my first experience in PANAMUN and I believe that this conference is an incredible opportunity to improve many skills such as critical thinking and diplomacy. In addition to MUN, I enjoy playing sports such as soccer, handball, and volleyball. I hope you can take advantage of this conference, and I am sure it is going to be a great one. Looking forward to working with you in the debates and welcome to PANAMUN XXIX!

Hello Delegates! My name is Sol Gorrini and I am a sophomore at the International School of Panama. I was born in Bogota, Colombia but consider myself Argentinian. I am very excited to be your chair for this conference and get to meet all of you. It is my first time as a chair and my dutty is to make this an entertaining, welcoming, learning, and fun experience for every one of you. Nevertheless, I have been a delegate for the past 3 years, since 8th grade, which has made me fall in love with debating and MUN experience overall. My favorite committee in PANAMUN is UNICEF because I love children and aspire to create a better future for all of them. Therefore I hope I can share my passion with all of you. Besides children and debating I enjoy running, cooking, and hanging out with my friends. I’m also president of the chess club and would love to play a match if any of you are interested. I hope in this committee we can agree on amazing solutions where children’s lifestyles are improved and benefited. Lastly, I wish the best of luck to all of you, and let’s make this the best conference!