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Felipe da Paixao
Head of Middle School Diplomacy Club

Hello delegates, my name is Felipe da Paixão, and I am delighted to be your head of MS Diplomacy Club in PANAMUN XXXI. I am a senior at the International School of Panama. This will be my sixth MUN Conference and my first time being a head.As the middle school diplomacy club head, I teach ISP’s middle school delegates about debate and PANAMUN. I was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, so it should come as no surprise that one of my hobbies is soccer. Additionally, I have lived in four different countries: Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, and Panama. Therefore, I speak three languages fluently: English, Portuguese, and Spanish. I enjoy debate and MUN conferences because it allows me to investigate global issues and explore points of view different from mine. I started my journey as a delegate in sixth grade, and it has been one of the highlights of my academic journey. Outside of school, I enjoy playing soccer & volleyball as well as working on innovation, entrepreneurship, and design projects. PANAMUN 31 will be my third and final year being a chair, and so I hope we can all have a lot of fun debating!
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