Aline Yaafar
Deputy Secretary General of Special Committees

Hello everyone! My name is Aline Yaafar and I am honored to be this year's Deputy Secretary General for Special Committees. I was born and raised in Panama, but my family is from Beirut, Lebanon. I am currently a senior at the International School of Panama, making it my fourteenth year in this school. Other than debating, I love watching movies, traveling, and hanging out with my friends and family. I have been involved in MUN since middle school, but never participated in a conference until my freshmen year due to the pandemic.
My first time participating in PANAMUN as a delegate was online and I remember it being such an impacting moment in my life. The idea of filling in a role that had nothing to do with me was challenging, I was able to express such controversial ideals in multiple ways. Due to that amazing experience, I wanted to expand areas by joining special committees during my sophomore and junior year of high school. In both years I was participating in different committees where I took two completely different roles. One year I was representing CNN as part of the International Press Committee, and the other I was one of the presidents of the International Court of Justice. Special Committees helped me see MUN from a different perspective, and I was determined to progress them in ISP. This year I am excited to announce that we will be introducing the International Association Football Federation (FIFA) committee!
Alongside the secretariat, we are determined to make PANAMUN XXXI the best yet. I can't wait for this conference to begin and see all of you in October!