Jesus Garcia
Hello delegates! My name is Jesus Garcia, I am currently a senior at the International School of Panama and will be one of your chairs for PANAMUN XXXI in the United Nations Security Council committee. I was born in Mexico and spent my first six years of life there before moving to the Dominican Republic. After 4 years I moved to Egypt and finally moved to Panama where I currently live. My debate experience started in my freshman year of high school at this same conference when the pandemic was happening. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience even though it was online and at the conferences that came after, my enjoyment increased even more. It is very much my belief that MUN conferences are a great way to hone your argumentative skills as well as to learn how to advocate different perspectives. I am very much looking forward to this committee, and if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask me.

Isabel Arias
Hello delegates! My name is Isabel Arias and I am a senior at the International School of Panama. I was born in Mexico City, Mexico, but I moved to Panama three years ago. I first started learning about Model United Nations in middle school, but my first real experience was in 9th grade. At first, I was very nervous, but I ended up thoroughly enjoying the experience. But, most importantly, it got me interested in becoming a chair. I am now very proud to be one of the United Nations Security Council chairs in PANAMUN XXXI. I am very excited to be a chair so that I can facilitate the exchange of ideas and have fun within my committee. In total, I have done 10 MUN conferences, but I hope to make this one the best one yet. I am very excited to help you guys foster ideas and create solutions to global issues!

Paula Arias