Gabriella Barratt
Deputy Secretary General of Special Committees

Hi! My name is Gabriella Barratt Heitmann, and I am currently a junior at the International School of Panama. Though I am American, I was originally born in Bahrain, and since then I have lived in six different countries, four of which are in Africa. In my free time, I love to dance, go to the beach, read, and, of course, participate in MUN.
I was introduced to the world of Model United Nations when I first moved to Panama in ninth grade. PANAMUN XXIV allowed me to discover a passion of mine, and since then I have been actively involved in MUN. In addition to PANAMUN, I have participated in two THIMUN conferences in The Hague and two HACIA Democracy conferences in Panama City and Cartagena. I am also co-president of the Debate club here at the International School of Panama.
In PANAMUN XXVI, I will be serving as the Deputy Secretary General of Special Committees. I’m super excited about this position, as I believe the special committees--Historical Crisis, the International Court of Justice, and the Security Council--are the most fun. This will be my second year overseeing the Historical Crisis committee, and I can’t wait to see what you guys have in store for us and how you react to all the surprises!
See you in October!