Paloma Manterola
Deputy Secretary General of Middle School

Hello! I am Paloma Manterola and in this year’s session of PANAMUN, I have the honor of being the Deputy Secretary General of Middle School along with my fellow classmate Gigi Hodes.
I am currently a senior in the International School of Panama, where I have been given the opportunity to grow as a person and meet people from all around the world for over 9 years now. Before coming to Panama, I lived in Venezuela, where I was born, and Argentina, my home which I visit every year.
Although I have been involved in a variety of experiences from swimming to piano throughout my life, debate has truly struck a chord with me and has allowed me to become more open to other perspectives. Since my first PANAMUN in 8th grade, I have grown to love debate and it has become part of my identity.
I want to extend this passion for debate with the help of the rest of the Secretariat to all of those that partake in this conference. In whatever role you choose to embark, I hope that PANAMUN XXVII is a rewarding experience to you all and in any case, you can contact me or any of the members of the Secretariat for guidance.