Rashmi Hemrajani
Deputy Secretary General of Echopress

Hello! My name is Rashmi Hemrajani I am thrilled to be your Deputy Secretary General of EchoPress at PANAMUN XXVII. Currently, I am a senior at the International School of Panama, where I’ve been a student for 11 years now. I was born here in Panama, where I have lived my whole life.
My passion for journalism, which eventually led me to become the DSG of EchoPress, is rooted from debate. Many years ago, at the age of 13, I participated as a delegate for the very first time in PANAMUN XXIII. After that, I went on to debate all over the world, ranging from Chile to the Hague, and even the Dominican Republic. It was that love for advocating in behalf of those who suffered injustices in the world we live in, that led me to develop a passion for writing about these issues.
This conference to me, is everything. It is where I learned how to refine my public speaking skills as a delegate, had the opportunity to interview members of the March For Our Lives organization, heard speeches from inspiring individuals, and most impactful for me, learned that writing is my way of speaking on behalf of the people in this world who do not have the ability to do so. After being a reporter in PANAMUN for three years, Editor-in-Chief of the school newspaper for two, and even being selected as a reporter for MUNITY, the THIMUN newspaper, my last role in the world of MUN is as DSG of EchoPress -- one that I plan to fulfill to the very best of my abilities.
For those of you who will be participating as staff members, delegates, as chairs, or even as admins, I invite you to take a look at our newspaper, The Daily Gavel, and become inspired by the words you read and the images you see. The EchoPress team is ready to show you how what may seem like simple words and pictures, can be so much more.