Markus Kempin
Deputy Secretary General of High School

Hi! My name is Markus Kempin, and I will be the Deputy Secretary General of the High School Branch of Panamun. I am thrilled to work with the Chairs and Delegates this year to make the best conference possible. From working on chair training, to supporting delegates during the conference, my main goal is to make this conference the best it can be for every student involved. I am thrilled to introduce new committee crisis on every single committee, as well as make sure everyone feels welcome and comfortable.
This year our theme is Building Bridges: Confronting Global Polarization, which is very close to my heart, and I am very excited to see issues and resolutions with this theme. With an increase in polarization and separation, it takes a special group of people to build those bridges between extremes, and establish a culture of acceptance, communication and cooperation. I am positive that the special group needed for that task are those in PANAMUN.
I have been an avid participant in MUN conferences, since the 8th grade giving me a idea of what you, the students will feel during the conference. I know it might be intimidating, or scary but I strongly encourage you to take the leap of faith and participate, if it wouldn't have been for my first conference (PANAMUN XXIII), I would have never discovered the amazing community that is MUN, and all the experiences it holds. Since that conference I have now debated in over 9 conferences, including Harvard’s HACIA Democracy, and THIMUN in the netherlands, which have been some of the funnest times of my life.
Whatever you need feel free to contact me, as I love to help in any way I can! I cannot wait to see you all at PANAMUN XXVI, and remember take the leap, and participate in the conference, because although it's hard work, I guarantee it is worth it!