Annelle Arciniega
Deputy Secretary General of Marketing and Communications

Hello! My name is Annelle Arciniega and I am beyond excited to be your Deputy Secretary General of Marketing and Communications at PANAMUN XXVII. I am currently a senior at the International School of Panama where I have been a student for 12 years now. I was born in La Paz, Bolivia but Panama has become my second home ever since I moved here.
I have a strong passion for video making and editing, which is something I hope to continue in the future as I aspire to become a Director, hence my current position here at PANAMUN. I have been credited as a filmmaker for several school events including the United Women’s Conference, The Rift, The Middle School & High School Library Media Center and of course Panamun amongst others. I’ve also made a variety of independent short films that have been official selections in festivals around the world such as the San Diego Latino Film Festival, Panama Horror Film Festival and Cine Animal’s Micro Cine Festival. Aside from film making, I am devoted to advocating for Peace and Justice, for this reason, I am involved in clubs like Global Issues Network (GIN), Green Roots, Eco Committee and United Women.
In this year’s PANAMUN, I will be working as the chief of Marketing and Communications, which includes the operation of the website, video content creation, and social media. Creating content for the public has always been a passion of mine, and when I learned that Panamun had a section dedicated to Marketing and Communications I instantly knew that I would be taking that position. Although I enjoyed debating, Mark Com has allowed me to engage, connect and enhance all incoming delegates' and staff's Panamun experience, which is something I truly love.
I can’t wait for this year’s conference and I hope that, through my hard work and dedication, I will be able to revolutionize PANAMUN’s online presence and make This year's conference the most memorable and engaging one yet!
I look forward to meeting all of you at this year’s conference, Building Bridges: Confronting Global Polarization!