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The Youngest Chair in PANAMUN XXVII

This year, there are over 20 different committees with more than 40 chairs coming from a large variety of backgrounds. Some of these chairs are students at ISP, while others are from abroad. From students coming from local schools in Panama, all the way to international students from the United States. However, not a single one of them are under 16, except for Riley McDonough. Riley is the only 10th grader who tempted to try out the position of a chair!

This 10th grader will be chairing the Special Conference Committee (SPECON) for the middle school conference alongside Madison Capen, a senior. He has been a part of Model United Nations (MUN) ever since last year, where he began to attend the Debate Team at ISP during after schools and has been participating in debate ever since then. Likewise, aside from PANAMUN, he has attended two other conferences where he has gained multiple experiences as a delegate, something he seeks to receive again in the near future. In Riley’s words, he was motivated to become a chair in this year’s conference as he had an urge to do more than just being a delegate and felt the strong desire to have a bigger role. He wanted to attempt something new, and impactful towards the conference. Most of all, Riley wanted to strengthen his leadership skills by trying out a unique position.

Quoting from Riley, “I have one major goal for this year, and it is to ensure he establishes a committee where everyone feels included and welcomed”. He guarantees his committee will be a safe environment, where anyone may express themselves in as he is fully committed in making his goal come true.While Riley may be the youngest member of the chair committee this year, this will surely not be the last time he participates in the MUN world. For this upcoming conference in October, Riley hopes that this risk-taking decision will prove itself into being worth it by providing all of his delegates an unforgettable experience.

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