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Vivek Ivaturi

Greetings delegates, and welcome to the 2018 PANAMUN XXVI conference! My name is Vivek Ivaturi and I will be one of your chairs for the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development (UNCSTD). I am currently a student at the International School of Panama, for which I have now attended for three full years. Apart from debating, I enjoy playing any type of sport and playing/learning music. I was born in India, but have lived in other countries throughout the world including China, Thailand, the United States, Singapore, and now, Panama. My PANAMUN journey began when I was in ninth grade, but my debating experience extends all the way back to my years in middle school. At first I despised debating, but after involving myself in more debates, the activity quickly grew on me. I’m excited for this upcoming PANAMUN conference and hope all delegates will rigorously and passionately participate. I hope everyone contributes their own part into making this the best conference yet! Be optimistic, confident, poised, open-minded, and do not be afraid to ask for help. I look forward to meeting everyone and making this PANAMUN conference an unforgettable experience!


Rafael Sanchez

Hello delegates and welcome to the PANAMUN XVI conference! My name is Rafael Sanchez, I’m currently a senior here at ISP. I’ll be one of you chairs for the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development (UNCSTD). I was born in Venezuela, but I’ve lived in Puerto Rico and Panama, having lived in Panama more than in any other place. I love to travel and have a great interest in math and the sciences. I’ve formed part of the ISP community for nine years and PANAMUN has been a part of my life the past three years. At first, I wasn’t engaged in the debate at all, but this past conference I made an effort to enjoy the debate and contribute to it, which resulted in me being extremely excited for this year’s PANAMUN conference. I look forward to meeting new people and seeing all my delegates give their all in the debate, all while making this conference the best one yet!

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