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Lucas Falla
Hey! Greetings fellow delegates, and welcome to PANAMUN XXVII. My name is Lucas Falla, and I am currently a junior at the International School of Panama. Although I was born in Caracas, Venezuela, I consider myself to be Panamanian and I have been living here my entire life. My passion and love for debate was sparked in ninth grade during PANAMUN XXV: Closing Gaps where I had a highly successful and impactful debate representing Germany in the World Health Organization. Since then I have attended conferences such as Harvard’s HACIA Democracy, THIMUN, and other conferences in Panama. After seven conferences, I have the high privilege of chairing the UN Security Council for my first time chairing. Aside from debate, my biggest passion is playing guitar in genres like rock, jazz fusion, and metal. I am committed to make Security Council pass all of your expectations and have it be an intense, productive, and most importantly, an enjoyable committee. I understand participating in such a special committee may be daunting at first, but I encourage you all to give your best shot and participate. See you soon!

Carlos Brito
Hey delegates and welcome to PANAMUN XXVII. My name is Carlos Brito and I am currently a senior at the International School of Panama. I have lived here in Panama for four years now, but I’ve lived in six other countries and moved nine times. I’ve been involved in PANAMUN and other MUN conferences since the 7th grade. What I enjoy most, besides debating, is playing rugby, working out, and hanging out with my friends. This year I finally have the opportunity and honor of being a chair in the Security Council (UNSC. I am thrilled of being your chair this year, and this been my last PANAMUN I want to make it the best one yet, so come prepared! I hope all of you are as excited as me!

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