Guilherme da Paixao
Head of Foreign Chairs

Hello everyone! My name is Guilherme da Paixao and I'm more than honored to be working as this PANAMUN 30 Head of Foreign Chairs. I was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. When I was two, I left my home country for the first time to move to Mexico. It was there where I grew up and lived for more than 6 years. Afterwards, I lived for a while in Colombia, Brazil again, and now thankfully I am in Panama. My globalization has made me a person of the world, helping me work with people from all around the world. Some of my hobbies outside school are playing sports, especially football and volleyball.
It was thanks to the International School of Panama that I fell in love with the problem solving initiative that MUN activates in different young people around the world. My 13 year old self would only believe that sports were my passion. PANAMUN definitely taught me differently. It was when I started to look up more to my older brother, Vinicius, who was a highly active member of several MUN conferences, that I really liked what MUN was. I then decided to take the same path and fell in love with it. As of 2022, I've participated in around 5 conferences acting as delegate and chair. My goal for this year's conference is to work along with secretariat members and other heads, to make it the best of the experiences not only for the chairs coming from other countries but also for our own delegates to have the best experience possible.