Diogo Marquez
Hello, delegates! Welcome to PANAMUN XXX! My name is Diogo Marquez Teles Gomes, currently a Junior at the International School of Panama. I am extremely honored to be one of the chairs of the United Nations Environment Programme! Even though I was born in Pretoria, South Africa, and lived all over the world, I consider myself Spanish and Portuguese since my family is from there. I have been at ISP for 3 years now, and have since participated in three MUN conferences. I started attending conferences in my freshman year, where I developed a certain love for debate. Throughout those conferences, I developed and improved many skills such as my diplomacy and professionalism. My past experience as a delegate taught me the importance of standing up for what you believe in. I am extremely excited to meet all of you and I promise to try my best to ensure that we all have a collaborative, engaging, and most importantly fun debate. Looking forward to meeting you all soon!

Sol Gorrini
Hello Delegates! My name is Sol Gorrini and I am a senior at the International School of Panama. I was born in Bogota, Colombia but consider myself Argentinian. I am very excited to be your chair for this conference and get to meet all of you. It is my second time as a chair and my dutty is to make this an entertaining, welcoming, learning, and fun experience for every one of you. I have been a delegate for the 3 years before that, since 8th grade, which has made me fall in love with debating and MUN experience overall. I dont have a favorite committee in PANAMUN because I believe each committee has different opportunities and discussions to offer. However, taking care of the environment has always been part of my priorities which makes me super excited to form part of UNEP. Therefore I hope I can share my passion with all of you. Besides the environment and debating, I enjoy running, cooking, and hanging out with my friends. I’m also president of the chess club and would love to play a match if any of you are interested. I hope in this committee we can agree on amazing solutions where the environment is improved and benefited the future generation. Lastly, I wish the best of luck to all of you, and let’s make this the best conference!