Andreina Correa
Deputy Secretary General of High School

Hello everyone! I'm Andreina Correa Quiros and I'm super excited to be this year´s High School Deputy Secretary-General alongside Andrea Gomez! I was born and raised in Panama City and I am a Senior at the International School of Panama, which I have been in since the sixth grade.
When I transferred to ISP in middle school, and experienced being the ¨new kid¨, I understood the importance of being a leader who portrays values such as kindness, tolerance, and empathy. In eight grade, I attended The Association for Music in International Schools, best known as AMIS, which I loved, but I was very shy. During that same time, I joined the Global Issues Network Club at my school, and attended my first conference, PANAMUN. Since then I have participated in several international conferences, and fallen in love with debate.
PANAMUN helped me find my voice and become empowered in all ways. Alongside two other friends, I created the World Politics Club at my school; which focused on the historical aspect of modern day politics, citizen autonomy, and the fight for human rights. Debate pushed me to be myself, and gave me valuable leadership skills to become the Spirit and Inclusivity Director in our schools Executive Student Council. As well as skills that helped me in the Visual and Performing Arts as Sebastian in our schools´ ¨The Little Mermaid, The Musical¨.
Outside of school, I'm a member of Escuela de Ciudadanía Alberto Quirós Guardia, an NGO that focuses on citizen empowerment and equality. In my free time, I love going to history and art museums, attending plays, listening to music ranging from jazz to rock and salsa, watching movies and analyzing them with my friends. I can't wait to see you all very soon! If you have any questions, my email is