The United Nations Environment Programme, commonly known as UNEP, was approved by the General Assembly and established as the official entity concerned with environmental issues in 1972. UNEP is the advocate, educator, facilitator, and catalyst in promoting environmentally friendly practices and policies in the United Nations. UNEP is concerned about the negative impacts other United Nations missions have on the environment and ensures international, regional and local coordination to tackle these. UNEP does this by promoting environmental cooperation, assisting in the establishment of environmental policies, highlighting environmentally related issues, facilitating the transfer of scientific research and understanding, assisting member states in environmental matters, and by allocating its main source of finance, known as the Environmental Fund. UNEP reports to the Economic and Social Council as well as the General Assembly. In today’s world, environmental issues are more threatening than ever before. UNEP is in charge of compressing these issues and protecting the environment.
Addressing alternatives to single-use plastic
Addressing the practice of wildlife in captivity