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Maria Paula Marquez

- Editor in Chief -

Paola Martinon

- Head of Press -

Roberto Vallarino

- Head of Press -

Hello, my name is Maria Paula Marquez, I am 16 years old and I will be Editor in Chief in the upcoming conference. I was born in Mexico City, however I have also lived in both Texas and Rhode Island in the United States, and I have been living in Panama for five years now. Ever since I was four years old, reading became my passion, and I was able to see and realize the power words can have. From then on, my love for words has never ceased following me. With words one has the power to express beauty in unthinkable ways such as through the sharing of experiences or simply through the creativity of the writer. It is the hope that others whom don´t like to read or write can one day appreciate the words as much as I do that arises in me the motivation to lead in the best way I can the Echo Press team in the upcoming conference. My first PANAMUN conference was as an 8th grader in the Spanish committee, afterwards in 9th grade I was a delegate in the CCPCJ committee and this past year I was a reporter for the Echo Press team, and it was my favorite experience yet since I was able to participate in the conference by doing something I love. We have a great team this year, as well as many new fresh ideas and I am very excited to start working in taking Echo Press to the next level and allow it to prosper as never before. I sincerely hope you all enjoy the work the team will be doing and am looking forward to the best PANAMUN conference yet.

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to this year’s PANAMUN XXIV! I am more than honored to be your Head of Press, along with my amazing Co-Head Tito Vallarino and our Editor in Chief, Maria Paula Marquez. This will be my fourth and last year participating in our annual PANAMUN conference and I could not have asked for a more exciting role than as one of the leaders of Echo Press, having been a reporter and a social media manager in this same team last year. I am currently 17 years old and was born in Panama, although I also have a French nationality. Having a dual nationality allows me to have multiple perspectives on the issues and ideas presented, which become even stronger through the input that I witness in the conference and the Echo Press Team. It is actually by having so many nationalities come together and discuss global issues that I believe PANAMUN fulfills its true purpose: to unite and empower. Having been a part of the ISP community for now 4 years, I am thrilled to go behind the scenes in order to bring you an improved, entertaining and enjoyable three-day conference. It is our goal to make this PANAMUN, the best conference this school has hosted so far.

It Welcome everyone to PANAMUN XXIV; I am Tito Vallarino, Head of Press for Echo Press, and I hope you all have a thoroughly enjoyable PANAMUN Conference. This will be my third and final PANAMUN Conference, and the first one where I will be holding a leadership position. I have been committed to the Echo Press Team since last year as a Reporter and Snapchat Manager, in which I discovered a whole new side to the experience that is PANAMUN, and I am now dedicated to making it even better as a Chair. However, I did not always see PANAMUN as I do now, I used to believe that PANAMUN was an unfair conference for the people who weren't comfortable debating. I was pretty adamant in this opinion, which caused me to miss an entire PANAMUN conference in 10th grade. It wasn't until a year later that I was able to see all the things that PANAMUN had to offer and I came to respect and admire the conference as an experience that is beneficial to all its participants. As someone who learned from his mistakes, the best advice that I can give you regarding PANAMUN is that it will only be as good as you make it; the more time and effort you spend on it and the more prepared you are, the more fun the conference will be. PANAMUN has something to offer to everyone, I found it and now I am truly excited and motivated by this coming conference. My fellows Chairs, Editors and myself will most definitely be working hard to make this a memorable conference for all of you, and making it the best PANAMUN yet.


Happy MUN'ing.

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