Francisca Lemos
Hi delegates! My name is Francisca Lemos and I am currently an 11th grader at the International School of Panama. I am very honored to be part of this year’s conference as one of the chairs for the Disarmament and International Security Committee. I was originally born in Porto, Portugal, and lived there for 6 years. I then moved to Santiago, Chile, where I lived for 4 years. In 2017, I moved to Panama, and I have been living here ever since. I participated in my first MUN conference in 7th grade, where I was able to discover my love for debate. This year, I will be participating in my fifth MUN conference and I am very excited to experience it with all of you. Through MUN, I have been able to discover the importance of sharing my voice, and advocating for what I think is right, both things that MUN offers a great opportunity for. Other than debate, I enjoy running, cooking, and spending time with my friends. I am looking forward to this year’s debate, where I will do my best to ensure that PANAMUN XXX is an unforgettable experience, and that we have a successful, fun, and engaging debate. I’m sure that in this conference, all of you will have a great time and learn new skills that will help you in the future. I hope you enjoy the conference, and I am looking forward to meeting all of you!

Mateo Girala
Hello delegates! My name is Mateo Girala, I am a senior at the International School of Panama and I am so excited for the opportunity to be a chair for the Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC) of PANAMUN XXX! I was originally born in Argentina but I have lived all of my life in many other countries. This is a very exciting opportunity for me as I have only attended Panamun as a delegate for the last 2 years and it is my first time being a chair. My favorite subject is physics and I enjoy debating about globally meaningful topics. Some of my hobbies outside of school include going to the gym, playing sports, and hanging out with my friends. My co-chair and I are here to ensure that DISEC is one of the most fun and interesting committees out there. I cannot wait to meet you all in person!