Hyunmin Choi
Hello delegates! My name is Hyunmin Choi, and I’m currently a junior at the International School of Panama. I am from South Korea, but I’ve been all around the world throughout my life. I was born in Korea; lived in China, Turkey, Mexico, Poland, Russia, and now this is my 2nd year in Panama. I had my first experience with MUN in 10th grade when I joined this school. Although I was nervous, I found the experience extremely valuable. This made me realize that debating and public speaking is an important skill regardless of what you want to pursue, as it is something that you will use for the rest of your life. I have a strong passion for science and technology, and I look forward to chairing something that sparks my interest. I believe that this field is very important for the world, as it determines the future development of our society as a whole. I am excited to hear all of your ideas and thoughts during the debate, and I really hope that all of you gain valuable experience or knowledge out of it!
Simon Kappeli

Hi delegates! My name is Simon Kappeli, I am currently a junior at the International School of Panama, and I am honored to be one of the chairs for the Science and technology committee in PANAMUN XXX. I was originally born in Zurich, Switzerland, and lived there for 2 years, I then moved to Panama,where I have lived for 15 years. I participated in my first MUN conference in 9th grade and have fallen in love with it. Thanks to debate I have found my voice and have learned to appreciate our diversity and utilize it in a positive manner. Other than debate, I love surfing and spending time with my friends. This will be my 4th MUN conference and I am extremely excited to meet all of you and chair for one of my favorite committees. I will do my best to ensure that we will all have a fun, engaging, and collaborative debate. Looking forward to meeting and seeing all of you in the debate!