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Disarmament and

International Security Committee

Mark Rauschkolb - Chair


Hello, my name is Mark Rauschkolb and I am currently a junior at the International School of Panama. I have lived here my whole life and have been deeply involved with PANAMUN and other conferences since the 8th grade. Apart from my love towards debating, I also enjoy playing golf, running, and reading. This year, I have the honor and privilege to be the Chair of the Disarmament and Security Committee for my seventh conference. Hopefully, you all are as eager as I am in preparing for, and experiencing PANAMUN XXIV. I am assured that the quality of the conference will meet and exceed the delegates' expectations and hope on everyone’s participation and preparation. I am working hard with the intention of sparking the most debate possible, and am excited that you delegates partake with full interest in this opportunity. I look forward to seeing all of you debate, learn, and have fun in October!

Sapir Amar - Co-Chair


Hello delegates! PANAMUN XXIV has arrived and I would like to welcome all of you! My name is Sapir Amar and I am currently a senior in the International School of Panama. I am from Israel, but I have lived in many different countries all over the world since I have a diplomat family. My mom is presently the consul in the Embassy of Israel and we have lived in Venezuela, Russia and Tunisia. I fluently speak three languages: Hebrew, English and Spanish. I have already participated in three other PANAMUN conferences in which I was a delegate. I truly believe that the sky is the limit and if you really like debating and participating in special activities from school you can become a Chair or a Co-Chair next year as well. I am very excited to be your Co-Chair in the DISEC committee, which focuses on global challenges that affect the international community in order to promote and maintain a worldwide peace and demobilization of arms. Being a Co-Chair in my last year of school is a perfect way to end my high school journey and memories. It is an experience I will keep with me my entire life. PANAMUN is a great place to debate and participate in various issues that are being discussed in the committee. I look forward to hearing and receiving all of you in my committee. I am sure each one of you is going to enrich and make the committee fascinating. Welcome!

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