Statement of Purpose
The Panama Model United Nations Conference is a proud affiliate of The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN). Through attending and conducting conferences such as these, we strive to commit to the following:
Garner an appreciation of various ideas shared through different educational backgrounds both nationally and internationally.
Help students understand their role as global citizens, providing them with the necessary skills to create sound solutions to world problems.
Promote the use of diplomatic language and procedures to ensure the acceptance of the backgrounds and perceptions of all societies
Foster the use of active collaboration and cooperation to guarantee the respect of each individual voice.
Continue to strengthen the mandate and purpose of the United Nations and other international organizations so that these bodies may continue to assist the growth and development of all citizens of the world.
It is our hope that all participants, national and international, continue to respect the process of MUN conferences in order to reap the rewards of such experiences. The PANAMUN Directors and Student Officers wish all participants a successful conference!