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United Nations

Development Program

Daniel Roldan - Chair


Hello delegates, my name is Daniel Roldan, and I will be the Head Chair for the committee UNDP in this PANAMUN Conference XXIV. The United Nations Development Program is a new committee in the history of PANAMUN and is expecting to have a participative and consistent debate on the world issues that my Co-chair, Michelle Jean, and I will be presenting. I have always been passionate about MUN and I am grateful that I have been granted the privilege to share this MUN conference with you. I am 17 years old and a senior and have been part of the ISP community for almost 10 years. I am originally Mexican, but I have lived in the United States as well. Throughout my time in highschool I have participated in several MUN conferences, which are PANAMUN, CEPMOAS, and THIMUN. In these MUN’s I have only contributed as a delegate, meaning that I understand your position and willing to help you at any moment. I am very excited to be your Head Chair and lead you to an amazing PANAMUN. If you have any questions about the issues or anything related to the conference, email us. I hope we have a great debate and I can't wait to see you all!

Michelle Jaen - Co-Chair


Welcome to PANAMUN XXIV! My name is Michelle Jaen and I will be this year’s Co-chair of the UN Development Program. I am currently a junior at the International School of Panama, and this is my first year as a MUN officer. I had my first MUN experience in my freshman year, and ever since then I have been able to attend to multiple conferences, including, but not limited to PANAMUN XXXIII, CEP MOAS, EAGLEMUNC, NDS among others. These experiences have been an asset to my development as an independent thinker in the globalized society we live in. Through dialogue, even the hardest circumstances can be solved. For this reason I am looking forward to making this PANAMUN a successful conference with different perspectives that will make up an interactive dialogue. I am thrilled to see transnational issues being debated, and more importantly to see every member of this committee create well-developed resolutions to find long-term solutions. If you have any concern or question, don’t hesitate to contact us!

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