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Chloe Martindale


My name is Chloe Martindale. I am nearly 16 years old, and I have just started 11th grade. Telling people where I am from is complicated because they always get confused. I was born in Switzerland, but I consider myself South African. I have lived in Switzerland for nearly 3 years, and now I have been living in Panama for nearly 15. I have been at the International School of Panama since Pre-Kindergarten, so I know the school pretty well.Being in ISP has strengthend my interests in singing, playing the piano, acting, and helping others, and it has offered me many cool things like plays, music trips, PANAMUN,etc. PANAMUN is one of the biggest conferences ISP hosts, which they do ever year. In 8th grade, there was an oppurtunity for me to be an admin in PANAMUN. I decided to apply because I really wanted to learn about PANAMUN. When I was admin for the first time I really enjoyed myself. I really liked setting up the rooms, and especially decorating the committee's door. I love to help people as much as I can and PANAMUN has allowed me do that.  I am really looking forward to meeting new people and helping those who are new to PANAMUN. I can't wait to be an admin for the third time and particularly being one for the SOCHUM committee!

Social, Cultural and



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