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Sofia Cardenas - Chair


Fellow delegates; allow me to greet you with my warmest welcome. My name is Sofia Cardenas and I will have the honor of being your Chair in this upcoming PANAMUN conference. I was born in Colombia, but have lived in Panama all my life. I am currently a junior and have attended ISP ever since Pre-Kinder. Debate has always been a passion of mine, and I am genuinely excited to see an exchange of ideas and solutions happen within the SOCHUM committee. I am a member of ISP’s debate club and have attended two MUN conferences and other MUN-related conferences at a national level. PANAMUN is a terrific opportunity to promote the solutions of present world problems. I have faith that our committee will be terrifically amazing, and although much research and preparation must take place for this to happen, I am confident that each delegate will put his or her best effort. Together, let’s make this conference an unforgettable experience. Good Luck!

Andrea Lindley - Co-Chair


Welcome delegates to the Social, Cultural & Humanitarian, committee (SOCHUM). My name is Andrea Lindley and I will be your Co-Chair for the PANAMUN XXIV conference. I was born in Peru and have been living in Panama for four years now. I am currently a senior here, at the International School of Panama and have been involved in the PANAMUN experience for three years now. Ever since my first conference my interest for debate grew, which was a way in which you could get your voice to be heard, and an excellent opportunity to reach out of your comfort zone for once. PANAMUN is not only about coming up with solutions to different problems, but about being able to work together as a whole to attain the best resolutions possible to target the issues. I strongly believe that our committee will successfully achieve to meet all of our expectancies and furthermore make the PANAMUN XXIV conference the best it can be!

Social, Cultural and



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