Austin Lopez
Chief of the Marketing and Communications Committee
My name is Austin Patricio Lopez McDonald. I am 16 years old, and a current senior at the International School of Panama. I was born in Quito, Ecuador, and have lived in Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, and now Panama. I have participated in PANAMUN XXIII as a delegate, and EchoPress’s Head of Tech in PANAMUN XXIV.
In this year’s PANAMUN XXV, I will be working as the chief of the Marketing and Communications, or MarkCom committee. This includes the operation of the website, video content creation, and social media.
In case it may not have been obvious to those who are more familiar with me – and of course, to those unfamiliar with me – I have a strong passion in video making and editing, graphic design, and animation. hence my current marketing position here at PANAMUN. I have been credited as filmmaker for several school events including the worldwide Global Issues Network, ISP’s Stuck in a Flux, and of course, PANAMUN. As for my non-video roles in other school clubs, I will be working on affirming the school’s Inclusion Policy and reviving our Gay Straight Alliance. My personal hobbies include video games, piano, and digital art.
In a way, I consider myself quite lucky to be a part of the Secretariat for PANAMUN XXV, as I do not hold the same MUN backgrounds as several others of the Secretariat do. Because of this, I feel not only honor but immense gratitude for being recognized in my skills despite my lackluster-by-comparison history in MUN settings. It is then, of course, my job to fulfill the expectations set for myself in order to revolutionize PANAMUN’s online presence.
I look forward to seeing all of you at this year’s conference.