Fellow delegates, welcome to the Economic and Social Council of the PANAMUN XXV conference, my name is Daniele Carlesso and it is my pleasure to participate as a chair in this year’s conference! I was born in Caracas, Venezuela and lived there until I moved to Panama at the age of ten. I am currently a senior at the International School of Panama, and this is my second year serving as a chair in the conference for which I am looking forward very much. Ever since I was a child, I have liked defending my points of view, even if they aren’t the most popular. Because of this, I have always had an affliction to all MUN conferences that are hosted across the world. As a young student, I began on getting involved in PANAMUN and other MUN activities, making this my fifth, and sadly, last PANAMUN conference. During the past month we have been working hard in order to make this PANAMUN XXV a great conference, impossible to forget. I hope to see you all here and ready to debate!
Daniele Carlesso

Amaan Jhangimal

My name is Amaan Jhangimal and I am honored to be the Chair of the Economic and Social
Council at this edition of PANAMUN. I am currently 17 years old, and I was born and raised in
Panama City. I joined the Metropolitan School of Panama six years ago where I am currently
serving as a senior. This will be my seventh time chairing a committee. I joined my school’s
debate club three years ago and I am currently serving the role of Vice-President and Treasurer
of the club. I have participated in various conferences in the past two years some of them being:
the Harvard Association Cultivating Inter-American Democracy, CepMOAS, Future Leaders
Forum, and many others. Last year I was honored to have the opportunity to chair ECOSOC
with the topic of Corporate Social Responsibility at PANAMUN XXIV. Along with debate, I’m also
involved in my school’s basketball team, and I am currently serving the role of Captain of the
team.I look forward too this edition of PANAMUN, and wish you all the best of luck.