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Before anything else, I would like to welcome the delegates of this year’s PANAMUN XXV session! My name is Claudia S. Tiller and I am currently a senior at the International School of Panama. Even though I am originally from New York City, I am also Canadian, British, and Taiwanese. I am a person with a variety of hobbies, and I am always excited to learn something new. My experience with MUN began in the eighth grade when I participated as a delegate in PANAMUN XXI and the Global Classrooms conference in New York City. Since then, I debated in two reputable EagleMUNC conferences and at PANAMUN XXII. I also have two years of chairing experience from my sophomore and junior year, where I chaired for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) committee and the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) committee, respectively. I have always enjoyed MUN because it allows for a deeper insight on global issues that are heavily influential in shaping the modern world, and I have learned so much while observing how quickly delegates are able to think in heated confrontations on single topics. Words cannot begin to describe how honoured I feel to have carried PANAMUN with me for the past 5 years, and they cannot begin to describe how excited I am to be one of the co-presidents for this year’s ICJ council! I encourage you all to speak as much as possible throughout the conference, as the outcomes will depend entirely on so. Please do not ever hesitate to contact me, by any means, with questions. I look forward with great enthusiasm to meeting each of you and have no doubt that this year’s conference will be the best one yet!
Claudia Tiller

Welcome to the greatest PANAMUN yet! My name is Tobias (Toby) Hensel and I am in the twelfth grade in the International School of Panama. Originally, I was born in Guatemala to a German father and British mother, but I moved to Mexico shortly after I was born. Four years later, I moved to Switzerland, and ten to Singapore for another brief 3 years. Here, I took part in some similar MUN committees. I finally arrived to Panama in the 9th grade. Here, my hobbies include playing rugby, swimming, and running. I have been absolutely fascinated with debating ever since a small child, and I longed to be a delegate in the Security Council. I finally achieved so twice, and just last year I became a judge in the ICJ. I am delighted to be able to be your co-president this year and I will make it my goal for everyone to enjoy the 3 days of debating and judging ahead of us.If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask me. Let us have an amazing time!

Tobias Hensel
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