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Hello there, delegates! My name is Alexandra Sherman and I couldn’t feel any more enthralled to welcome you to PANAMUN XXV as your chair for the World Health Organization! Currently, I am a sophomore at the International School of Panama. Debating is something I hold near to my heart. I remember, about four years ago, learning about the debating world for the first time. Immediately, I knew debating was an activity I wanted to pursue; I was engrossed by the idea of presenting an argument and persuading an audience to understand my case. In 7th grade, I attended my first debate conference as part of the admin staff for PANAMUN XXII. As an admin, I took the chance to listen and muse over the occurring debate. In 8th grade at PANAMUN XXIII, I experienced representing a delegation for the first time. Later in my 8th grade year, I flew to Santiago, Chile to participate in the first Latin American edition of the Montessori Model United Nations international debate conferences. As a freshman, I joined the high school debate club and attended my third PANAMUN conference PANAMUN XXIV. I have many passions other than debating. I’m self-teaching myself musical composition, I love playing the piano, and alto saxophone, and for physical activity, I enjoy playing flag football or running track. Once again, I feel completely honored to be your chair for the World Health Organization in PANAMUN XXV and, along with my partner, will make sure to do everything I can do to make this PANAMUN your greatest debating experience. I can’t wait to see everybody debate, learn, meet new people and have fun! If you have any questions, concerns or problems, please do not hesitate to contact us. Happy MUN’ing!
Alexandra Sherman

Gerardo Gomez

Greetings delegates, my name is Gerardo Gomez, and I will be you chair for the World Health Organization, in this year’s PANAMUN XXV conference. I was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, but have lived in Panama and attended ISP for about nine years. Currently, I’m a junior and have been participating in the conference ever since the 8th grade, due to my passion and drive for debating real world issues. Originally, I was a very shy and introverted person, and some of you may feel this same way, but throughout my experiences in this conference, I was able to completely change my personality to be more confident and outgoing. Hopefully, I can inspire the same spark in you that I all those years ago. Apart from debating, I enjoy reading, having out with my friends, and working out. It is my absolute honor and privilege to be chairing for the World Health this year, and hope that we, as a committee, come together to form meaningful and inspiring resolutions to these issues that trouble us all. I very much look forward to meeting and working with all of you, and try to make this very special anniversary PANAMUN conference the best the school has had!
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