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Welcome to PANAMUN XXV! My name is Michelle Jaen and I will be one this year’s Crisis Committee chairs. I am currently a senior at the International School of Panama, and this is my second year as a MUN officer. I attended my first MUN experience in my freshman year, and ever since then, I have been able to go to multiple conferences, including PANAMUN XXIII, CEP MOAS, EAGLEMUNC, NDS, HACIA XXII, among others! These experiences have been an asset to my development as an independent thinker in the globalized society we live in. I have learnt that through dialogue, even the hardest circumstances can be solved. For this reason I am looking forward to making this PANAMUN a successful conference with different perspectives that will force interactive communication and problem-solving. I am thrilled to see transnational issues being debated, and more importantly, to see every member of this committee create well-developed resolutions to find long-term solutions. If you have any concern or question, don’t hesitate to contact us!
Michelle Jaen

Welcome! My name is Maya Livne and I will be your chair for this year’s PANAMUN XXV Crisis Committee. I am currently a sophomore at the International School of Panama, which I have been attending to for almost 11 years now. My nationality is a bit complicated; I was born in Quito, Ecuador, but am of Israeli descent. Besides from my passion towards debating, I enjoy reading, playing flag football, and expressing myself through the guitar/piano. My debate experience hails back to the 7th grade, where I had the wonderful chance to participate in PANAMUN XXIII as an admin, and in 8th grade I participated as a delegate in both PANAMUN XXIV and the Montessori Model United Nations conference in Santiago, Chile. It is my absolute honor to be able to be your chair and I hope you all are as excited about this year’s session as I am! It is in my best intention to provide you all with engaging and thought-provoking crises, that will require hard-work and dialogue during the conference. Good luck and I look forward to seeing you all very soon!

Maya Livne

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