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Greetings. I am Aryan Rakhyani, currently a senior in The International School of Panama. I was born in India, but I have been in this beautiful country for over 15 years now. I fancy playing sports, mainly basketball; and, I get distracted for hours once I pick up my guitar. In other words, I love sports and love music. As for debating, this will be my 4th year in Panamun, as well as having assisted a couple of outside conferences, such as CIR, NDS, and more. Luckily, I got an amazing committee, with an amazing theme/topic, and surely amazing delegates. Human Rights Council (HRC) is one of, if not, the most exciting and intense committee, and I am proud to be one of this year’s co-moderators. My co-chair and I will do our bests in order to ensure that this conference is an excellent one for each and every one of you. I look forward to meeting you all, and discovering your true potentials.
Feel free to contact us if you are presented with any questions, comments or concerns.
Best of luck!
Aryan Rakhyani

Hi delegates and welcome to PANAMUN XXV! I am one of your chairs for the HRC this year and I am very excited to debate controversial issues and to meet all of you. I was originally born in Caracas, Venezuela but have also lived in Singapore for a year and Brasil, São Paulo for most of my life. I moved to Panama last year and participated in PANAMUN XXIV as a delegate. I have been participating in debate since 7th grade and have taken part in many international conferences, including THIMUN and HACIA Democracy. This will be my eighth conference and i am very excited to be chairing one of my favorite committees. Outside of MUN i enjoy performing arts, often participating in the school’s musicals and plays. I also enjoy playing basketball and many other team sports, and love spending time with my friends and meeting new people. I look forward to meeting you in debate!

Mariana Colmenares
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