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Hi delegates! My name Is Gabriella Barratt Heitmann, and I am currently a sophomore at the International School of Panama. I’ve spent most of my life in Africa, having lived in Zambia, Madagascar, Cameroon, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Besides debate, I enjoy dancing, reading, and spending time at the beach. I love seeing the way different cultures and beliefs can work together, which is part of why I enjoy debate and Model United Nations conferences. I started debating last year and this will be my fourth conference. I am very excited to be chairing for the United Nations Peacebuilding Committee in PANAMUN XXV. I am sure you have worked as hard as I have to ensure successful, productive debate this year. I hope you all are as enthusiastic as I am to begin drafting strategies to create a more equal and peaceful world. I look forward to meeting you all this October!
Gabriella Barrat

Hey! My name is Markus Kempin and I am a sophomore at The International School of Panama. I was born in Guatemala City, and have been at this school for 3 years now. I am part of the school’s swim team, and debate club. Apart from debating, I enjoy playing the guitar, and swimming as well as hanging out with my friends. I have been debating since the 8th grade, my first conference being PANAMUN XXIII, and since then, I have fallen in love with it. This year, I have the privilege to be chairing The United Peacebuilding Commission at PANAMUN XXV. I am really looking forward to hearing your ideas on how to solve these issues. I hope we not only debate, but also meet new friends, and have fun as a committee. I will do my best to ensure the debate is fruitful, fun and exciting. I hope you all are looking forward to it as much as I am, and see you soon Delegates! Goodluck!

Markus Kempin
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