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Greetings delegates, my name is Ahmad Yaafar and I will be one of the chairs for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) during PANAMUN XXV. I am currently a junior at the International School of Panama and have attended the school since kindergarten. I like to participate in sports, mostly soccer, but I also enjoy basketball and American football. I began to get involved in MUN in the 8th grade, and have participated in 3 editions of this conference. Ever since my first conference, I developed a passion for debating and finding resolutions for pressing issues which have an international impact. At first, I felt daunted to speak in front of the other delegates, but with time I managed to participate more during the conference due to wanting to voice the opinion my delegation had on the issues that were at hand. I see PANAMUN as a mean to engage in the discussion of controversial issues, and managing to find a solution that most delegates can agree. I look forward to seeing delegates fully engaged and passionate during the conference, and am very hopeful for an exemplary debate. For this edition of PANAMUN, I am eager to achieve my goal in making this an unforgettable experience for all delegates taking part in it.
Ahmad Yaafar

Hello delegates! My name is Samantha Saldivia, I am from Venezuela, and I will be chairing the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees committee this conference. I am a current senior in the International School of Panama, where I have attended for the last four years. My experience in PANAMUN started back when I was in eighth grade helping as an admin. The following years, I enjoyed my position as a delegate and was inspired by many people to join the school’s own debate team. Apart from debating, I am in the school’s soccer team, in the student council, and have participated in a number of theatre plays. I have to say that I am very excited for this PANAMUN XXV because every year after the conference many people leave great impressions on me with their outstanding skills and interests. This year I encourage all delegates to keep working hard while preparing and researching in order to achieve an exceptional debate; on the other hand, we will also work hard in return to give you the best MUN experience. Lastly, I hope you are as thrilled as I am to be actively debating, learning from each other, and especially, enjoying this conference.

Samantha Saldivia
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