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Hello, my name is Nicolas Soto and I’m currently a junior at the International School of Panama. I moved to Panama from Venezuela about 9 years ago and arrived at ISP in the second grade. I was given the opportunity to participate in a PANAMUN conference for the first time when I was in the 8th grade, and since then, I’ve been able to progressively increase both my skill and love towards debating. Apart from debating, I also enjoy running and playing soccer. This year, I have the honor of being one of the Chairs of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in the upcoming PANAMUN XXV conference. I am hoping that you delegates are as excited as I am for this conference and I highly look forward to hearing all your innovative and creative proposals to aid world development. I can assure delegates that I am using my best effort to make this debating experience as positive as it can be. I am excited to see delegates participate with full interest in this valuable opportunity. I look forward to chairing a very worthwhile debating experience. See you soon!
Nicolas Soto

Welcome to PANAMUN XXV! I am Sara Rosas and will be this year’s chair for The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) committee. I am originally from Caracas, Venezuela but have been living in Panama for the past 8 years. I am currently a Junior at ISP, and have been participating in PANAMUN since the 8th grade. I vividly remember being in Elementary School and seeing students dressed in formal clothes walk by, and not knowing about the importance of the PANAMUN conference. Now, I am taking part in this conference as a MUN officer for the first time! PANAMUN is a place for delegates to experience a real life United Nations debate about specific issues while representing a country’s position. Debate is an outstanding opportunity for delegates to learn about international politics as well as real, current worldwide issues. I love seeing delegates who are passionate about specific topics speak out to their full capacity. I’m am eager for what is to come this year, and can’t wait to see you all there! Prepare yourselves, and good luck!

Sara Rosas
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